Projects coming in…
Work is coming to us from some people still cleaning up storage areas during the pandemic, others being evacuated by nearby fires, others have lost family members due to covid and are having old family media digitized and some planning ahead with preserved family memory Christmas gifts.
Inspiration for YOUR memories
Scanned a very interesting book for a family about their father’s service for the country in being called to active duty to test the A bomb at Bikini Atoll nearly a year after the bomb had already been dropped on Hiroshima. He had pictures and comparisons of the air bomb and the bomb detonated under water.
Hazing, Cleaning, Death & Divorce
Learned about a Navy hazing ritual from transferring 8mm film footage, scanning lots of slides and negatives due to covid, divorce and death, restored several photos that were stuck to glass and help 2 clients record some audio/video in the studio for them to share virtually during the pandemic.
The Story behind: The Calkins Family History Book
Books created for Colleen with all of her documentation and research that she did to join the Daughters of the American Revolution and the Colonial Daughters. It has all of the genealogy back 10...
Rush Discount
Want to get a big discount? All projects are generally discounted 46-78% everyday over what Legacy Box charges. Ship your media today in your own box to Leave A Legacy 1827 E Harmony Rd., Fort Collins, CO 80528.
A Mystery and a Test for Leave A Legacy
Searching through security camera footage for evidence, being put to the test by a client for our slide scanning abilities, fun and historical pictures to share and stories of photo restoration.
Plethora of Pandemic Projects
Open regular hours again, books laid out, printed and bound, memorial projects, and lots of projects shipped to us from across the country.
Time for Legacy Projects
Rebinding a Holy book, zip and Jaz drive transfers from across the country, typing, printing and binding a memoirs, loads of video transfers to digital and DVD and scanning collections of family photos have kept us busy over the shut down. We've had more confusion lately of our business Leave A Legacy and a big corporation advertised by Rush Limbaugh that is called Legacy Box.
Rebinding a Holy Book
This amazing book is the original Epistle Book of Acts through Jude. It is specially bound in an ornate metal sleeve/cover with a spring latch. The original binding had been coming apart for some time and block of pages was no longer attached to the front or back covers. It took some extra care to rebind the book with a new spine.
Family Memories- Make Them, Collect Them & Share Them
Preserving your family memories is something that is always put on the back burner. You will work on it later….when the kids go to school, when the kids go to college, when I retire, when I have...
How Leave A Legacy serves you during COVID pandemic
Updated 5/17/2021 We are OPEN! No mask required! We look forward to seeing more of you. Rest assured, our team is fully vaccinated and ready to digitize your memories!
The Solution to Your iPhone Photo Troubles
Are your photos stuck on your iPhone? Do you want to save your iPhone photos on to your computer, or back them up on a flash drive? Here is the solution for you using Google Drive.