Interesting Projects, Leave A Legacy, News
We remember with excitement all of the many projects we completed for clients over the past month. Thinking of all of the joy that was brought to many homes when families received the gift of memories.
Here are some of the interesting projects from last month: Jamie had a VHS of her social studies project from school when she interviewed her grandparents. Now she wants to gift the digital files to her mother and aunt.
Interesting Projects, News
Jon relayed to us about a recent video transfer project that we did for him. Jon watched all the videos we had transferred and made notes. The videos were all of his children growing up, who are now 18 and 20 but he was amazed to see all the other relatives that were...
Interesting Projects, News, Tips & Tricks
David had over 1000 loose family photos sorted into 3 groups. Leave A Legacy helped him to complete his project by scanning them and making them into 3 different slideshows to share. Ann brought Leave A Legacy several scanning projects totaling over 2000 family...
How To Tutorials, Interesting Projects, Leave A Legacy
Teresa brought in a collection of 74 audio cassettes to be transferred to mp3 files. The cassettes are all recordings made of her dad reading classic books. He is very expressive. They have copies of all of the books to follow along. These mp3 files will now be played for his great grandchildren. What a great treasure to pass down through the generations. Check out his wonderful voice as he introduces the book “All Creatures Great and Small” that he is going to read.
Interesting Projects, Leave A Legacy, News
family treasures, voices from the past, historical documents scanned and contrast improved, puppy and baby images, photos with a great story to tell.
Interesting Projects, Leave A Legacy, News
Rob brought in some old 8mm silent family home movies to be transferred to digital files on a flash drive. They look to be to be late 6os and early 70s. Check out this quick clip complete with babies, puppies, classic cars, hair rollers, pointy eye glasses, house dresses, and old fashioned edge trimming the yard all in 1 minute. Bring back any blasts from the past for you?