On-line Video Preview
Leave A Legacy now offers on-line video preview. This allows you to view your production – created from your video tapes, movie films, photos or slides – on your home or office computer.
Leave A Legacy now offers on-line video preview. This allows you to view your production – created from your video tapes, movie films, photos or slides – on your home or office computer.
At the end of this past school year a returning client brought us another unique photo manipulation project. We manipulated the photos by “removing” all of the things on the wall, did some masonry work on the wall, added the text in a curve and gave it an effect to look gold and 3 dimensional “hung” the wide screen and “projected” some images on it.
I’ve been quiet the last few weeks because our family went on an inspiring family trip to Hamburg, Paris, and Rome. Many people told me, “take lots of pictures”. That is a silly thing to say to me. But in addition to taking lots of pictures I also journaled the events of our memory filled trip.
A recent interesting project that came into Leave A Legacy was a lady who was working on a shadow box honoring her husband’s football career. He passed away a few years ago but he had kept quite a scrapbook of his football career from high school through college and the pros. She just needed our help to reprint a few photos in just the right size.
Options abound for modifying or repairing your photo and video memories. You may want to have someone removed from an image, be it a former girlfriend, husband or a stranger lurking in the background. This can be more easily done with a still photo of course. I once replaced an ex-boyfriend with a bush in a large family photo. We even modified the images from an old 8mm movie film. The client was fortunate that the unwanted individual was on the edge of the frame. We made clips at the beginning and end of where he appeared and then adjusted that segment over to the right which cut him off and left the rest of the people showing. The image at right is of a photo of a car that was identical to our client,