My computer won’t play a DVD
We’ve been transferring videos and old movie films to DVDs for many years. It’s an ongoing challenge to stay ahead of technology changes. Our latest problem that we have encountered is when I client called and said that our DVDs won’t...Back-up Rule, Back-up Offer, the Best Gifts
Back-up Rule: Have your heard about the 3-2-1 rule for protecting your digital media? This works for your scanned photos, your digitized videos and even your everyday digital files you create on your computer for home or at work. 3 – You should have 3 copies! Once...Should I transfer to DVD or Digital Files?
So you have some films or videos clogging up your storage area and you’d like to both get rid of the clutter and also be able to actually see them again. With the ever changing digital era you may ask, “what should be done with them”; “should I get a DVD or...Accessing Floppy, Zip & Jaz Discs
They are unique and uncommon but we can access them. We’ve had the Zip drive and a Floppy drive for quite awhile but just got a Jaz drive. We can transfer all of your info off of these old disks and onto a disc or flash drive for much easier access.
Gold Archival DVDs
Leave A Legacy’s Gold Archival Grade DVD-R media is ideal for preserving your family photos and home movies as well as critical corporate data and are tested to remain stable for 100 years.