Film Editing & Restoration

Fort Collins CO Film Restoration Services

Film editing & Restoration can be very a complex and tedious process. Our team here at Leave a Legacy includes some of the best film editors in all of Colorado. Whether you are converting your film from 8mm, super 8, or 16mm, we can take care of all of the editing in digital form.

Have questions, give us a call or fill out our contact form.

Every project is unique. Tell us how you want to share your history.

Our post productions solutions are based on your directions and we’ll also provide recommendations when needed. After the project is complete, we’ll output the final video to the medium of your needs: DVD, Blu-ray, Hard Drive, or storage disc. One of the things that make Leave A Legacy truly unique is that we allow film editing. We always encourage our clients to preview their films prior to creating the final product.

  • Titles and scene selection – Have us add the text from each of your film boxes and reels to the beginning of each reel.
  • Rearrange film order –when you come in to preview your films you can easily change the order in which they are displayed
  • Remove unwanted segments
  • Lighten or darken segments
  • Adjust the speed
  • Insert still images
  • Add a voiceover recording
  • Add music –royalty free, your CDs or we purchase individual songs or an era or style collections
  • Create different versions to export
  • Capture still images

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