April brought in a photo of her from 1951 at fence. Her 90 year old dad had it in his wallet for a long time and wants a new unfaded one now. The restoration shows how very cute and colorful she was.
David brought in several video tapes. He said they are footage of the first people to bungie jump. His team plans to take our files, pieced with interviews, and is going to create a documentary. They are planning to release it on hulu and netflix. Keep your eyes out to see our transfers.
Joan brought in this photo of grandparents for us to do a quick fix on. Her niece wants photo to display at her upcoming wedding.
Remembering a Loved One
Lost a loved one recently? You certainly aren’t alone in that. Here is my idea sheet of projects to do to help you remember your loved one.
Katlynn brought in a roll of negatives that she wanted prints of. Apparently, she had taken it to Walgreens and they had misplaced all of the prints. She had some creatively composed images.
John’s parents have passed but who gets all the family albums? At first they planned to split up all the years of family archives. Instead they decided to have all of the albums scanned by Leave A Legacy. Then they could give each child a copy. This page of his album had a particularly interesting story to go with it. It is a photo of a distant uncle also named John who was killed in WWII and who’s father was captured during WWI before his birth.
Judy, who’s been a client of Leave A Legacy several times, brought in some lovely western movies to be transferred along with some old photos of Fort Collins in 1865 to be scanned.
Jeff had us transfer a record to cd and an mp3. He found that he was not able to purchase song anywhere. Jeff actually knows drummer on the record who had later gone on to play professionally for famous artists such as Ozzie Osborne.
Robert brought in digital photos that we had recently taken at his home. He took two photos of the same location the day of the blizzard and the next day with a beautiful sunset. We printed them out as two 11”x 14” landscape photos that are attached together. We cropped them out so that the two scenes are laid out nearly identically.
Alan and his cousins created a very well composed video production several years ago of their family ancestry and family stories. See it here. They had 2 narrators, changing images and music background and it was all saved on a VHS tape. Our task was to transfer it and make it a digital file on a flash drive. Quite the update. If you enjoy their creation know that we at Leave A Legacy have modern equipment and software to be able to make