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VHS-C Transfer Pricing

  • VHS-C or VHSC Video to DVD or digital files – $14/hr on the tape
  • If getting digital files we will need to save to flash drive or external hard drive. You can provide or we charge $15-80 for a drive based on file size.




VHS-C’s also know as VHS-compact or VHSC were the upgrade to the VHS tape in a much smaller size.  Most of these have up to 30 minutes of video (your cost would be $14 each) but could be set to hold up to 1.5 hours (would then cost $28 each). These are the ones that you slipped into an adaptor so that you could play them in your regular VHS player. The quality of the videos are degrading with every passing year. Dust, heat, moisture all play a part in the continual degrading quality of your treasured VHS-C tapes.

Now is the time to transfer your VHS-C to digital files or DVD in order to preserve your precious memories for years to come. Our VHS-C transfer service has been trusted by professionals and local clients and clients across the country for over 15 years.

Our in-house staff has handled thousands of VHS-C transfers so you can be sure that we will take care of your tapes. All of our VHS-C to DVD transfers/ digital file transfers are done in house, so we don’t send your tape to an outsourcing company.


Leave A Legacy sets itself apart by not only allowing you to edit your video in studio but also can give you the raw files so that you can edit it with video editing software on your home computer. The possibilities of what can be done with your digital video files are nearly endless.

Common edits that we do are removing undesirable little clips from family videos (inappropriate jokes or behavior or undesirable people), isolating important segments, lightening, color correction and titles. When you come in to do edits one of our team members can sit with you to do the edits or you can do the edits yourself if you feel comfortable with our computer software.

When the edits are complete to your satisfaction we can either burn a disk for you or export a finished file for viewing on your computer or for saving up on the cloud. If your VHS-C tapes are only 30 minutes long we are able to put up to 4 of them on one DVD.


Want help with deciding whether to get DVDs or digital files or why we like to save digital files to external hard drives rather than flash drives then check out this article.

Has your VCR eaten your precious video tape? Leave A Legacy is here to repair the VHS-C tape and then transfer it to DVD or digital files so that you can enjoy your precious memories over and over again.

Extra copies of your disk not only allow you to share your memories with other family members but also to have a backup copy of your memories in a second location to protect them from disaster.

Call our store to get started. (970) 226-0102

We can transfer not just VHS-C but all of these types of videos to DVD and digital files.