Micro-cassettes and Mini-cassettes Transfer Service
Micro and Mini cassette transfers available online and in person. View more information about this service below.
Shop online and mail in your cassettes to our Fort Collins location or drop your cassettes off at our Fort Collins or Denver location today.
Every project is unique. Tell us how you want to share your history.

Are you looking for a way to preserve your old micro-cassettes and mini-cassettes? Look no further than our Micro-cassettes and Mini-cassettes Transfer Service! With our state-of-the-art equipment, we can transfer your old cassettes to a modern medium such as CD or MP3, giving you the ability to listen to them for years to come.
When it comes to cassette tapes, the number on the tape, such as 60, 90, or 120, tells you the number of minutes that could be recorded on it. Micro-cassettes were typically used in handheld recorders and answering machines, while mini-cassettes were commonly used in stenography machines.
Our transfer service ensures the best playback quality possible, and we offer the option of having your recordings transferred to a playable CD that will work in standard CD players. If your recordings are longer than 80 minutes, an additional disk and transfer charge may be necessary. Alternatively, we can create MP3 files that can be played on computers and various MP3 players.