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Problem solved!  We can change your blog into a book.

We have had several clients come in who have enjoyed a trip of a life time and have wanted to capture their blog to memorialize it  since it was a perfect compilation of their thoughts and their best photos.  Some years ago, a client had blogged about the process of adopting their son from Kazakhstan and now they have the whole experience memorialized in a hard copy book. 

How we do it.

You need to give us the information or permission to access your blog.

We will go in and copy all of the text and the photos for each entry.  We will reverse their order so that the earliest information is first and the latest information is last.  We will resize the photos as necessary to fit on a page and do as much creative layout as you would like.  Once we have it all laid out we will have you proof it to see any changes you would like to make.  Then we print and bind your book all in store.  If you choose the really nice library type binding with buckram and embossing we will take the pages to our binder and Denver who will do a top notch job of encasing all of your priceless memories.

Don’t be discouraged by others who say “It can’t be done” and bring it to Leave A Legacy where we preserve memories into digital creations.  One client went into a local Apple store where she was told just that….”It can’t be done”.  We’ve done it time and again…problem solved….memories preserved!