The holidays are always a busy time at Leave A Legacy and this year did not disappoint. We still got all projects completed in time for family gatherings of sharing memories.

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Here are some highlights from recent projects from your friends and neighbors and the interesting stories that go along with them.
Sue has brought projects in the past and this time brought in audio reels, video tapes and super 8 films to be transferred to digital. She had some family interviews on the reels and family videos on the video tapes. Listen to a short segment of the audio here and experience the struggles of toy assembly (breaking down and reading the instructions) from her video transfer.

Marie brought in several VHS tapes to be converted to digital files and then saved on multiple flash drives and on DVDs. She had some interesting footage of some barn owls being born in a nest later her parents banded the chicks. See a clip of that footage here.
Gail brought in a photo to be reprinted. It is photo of an early Montessori school. One girl in the back is Gail’s mother-in-law. They use some of the same tools now. One girl was blindfolded so that she could focus in on her sense of touch. A young lady in the family is becoming a Montessori teacher herself and wanted a copy of this great mother-in-law for her classroom.
Paul brought in 2 slides that were 63 years old. One photo was of his sister and one of him. He had the two images printed on one sheet and was giving them to his sister for Christmas.
Marc brought in eleven VHS video tapes to be transferred to digital files. One of them had footage of NASA working on the Apollo space ship. I pulled together an interesting section of the presentation that includes examples of their not so sophisticated visual aids and a segment where they talked about testing if humans could survive the mission. They had monkeys man the capsule and told about odd readings they collected and that they shocked the monkeys when they didn’t do a task correctly.
Donald is a sweet elderly man who had some caregivers bring him in to our store. He had a reel to reel that he wanted transferred to a flash drive. He had a small piece that had been cut off of the reel and had us splice it back on. It had some lively music that would play at a carousel. We helped him out and delivered his final project it to his apartment in town. Listen to a bit of it here. |