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The Photo Center in Costco of Fort Collins is closed (as of mid 2019) due to the decline in photo print orders it seems.  They once were the go to place for lost cost film developing but that went by

 the wayside a few years ago and it seems like the photo centers are soon to follow suit.  See the attached letter that was sent to a customer in California who learned about their Photo Center closing.


Have no fear you have a local solution in Fort Collins for all your photo, video, film and audio memories. The answer is found within Leave A Legacy, Inc. owned by a local business woman named, Marsha Knackstedt.  She has had her growing business for over 13 years…and counting.  When she started there were competitors to be found in big box stores like Costco, Sam’s Club, and Walgreens, and small chain Arron Brother’s Framing and in several home based businesses.  Most of these have gone by the wayside, leaving…..Leave A Legacy busier than ever.