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How do I clean slides?

This post is to share with you about cleaning slides. The simplest method is to wipe them gently with a microfiber cloth which should remove any dust. If your slides are more dirty than that we recommend purchasing Anti-Stat Film Cleaner. It is somewhat expensive and it is rather aromatic so you’ll want to use it in a well-ventilated area. Moisten a smooth microfiber cloth with the film cleaning solution and then rub it on your especially dirty slide.

How do I Clean Negatives from Leave A Legacy in Fort Collins & Denver

This post is to share with you about cleaning negatives. The same procedure works for all sizes of negatives including: 110, 35mm, 126, APS and oversized negatives. If your negatives are more dirty than that we recommend purchasing Anti-Stat Film Cleaner. It is somewhat expensive and it is rather aromatic so you’ll want to use it in a well-ventilated area. Moisten a smooth microfiber cloth with the film cleaning solution and then rub it on your especially dirty negative. You can use it on both sides of the negative.

How to clean moldy 8mm film

How To Clean Moldy 8mm Film   Watch this video to learn how to clean moldy film reels.  If you don’t want to do it yourself send it to Leave A Legacy in Fort Collins.

How to use the Eumig 2000 Projector

Eumig 2000 Projector Tutorial Here is our video tutorial on how to use the Eumig 2000 projector that projects 8mm and super 8 movie films either on a wall or on the enclosed “tv-type” screen.  Once you view your films or even if you aren’t able...