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This month’s special (April 2015) is all about audio. Bring in your old audio media and have it transferred to playable CD’s for just $12/source or to mp3 files for $10/source.  Audio Media
We can fit up to 80 minutes of audio on a playable CD (that means that it will play in your CD player). We can fit lots more audio on a CD full of mp3 files (these files are meant to be used on a computer or other mp3 playing device).
You never know what treasures might be saved on that old audio media. Projects that we’ve gotten include Grandma playing the piano, Grandpa reading a book to a child, audio letters mailed back and forth to someone serving in Vietnam, answering machine recording of a loved one who’s since passed away, infant twins communicating to each other in their own language, little girls singing for grandma, dad’s church sermons and much, much more.
When we transfer your audio media including cassettes, micro cassettes, records, reel-to-reel and 8-track tapes we will capture each side as an individual track (file). If you need each side of a recording broken up into shorter segments or tracks we can do that as well. What priceless treasures do you have hidden on old audio?

Check out these audio samples: