We have moved all the video, film and audio work to a new site in Wellington. It is not a store front for clients to come to but just a place with more room to get work done. We have spread out at the Fort Collins store front and spruced up the displays with lots of old media equipment. Here are some images from the Wellington work space.
Made quick and easy contact sheets for Cate of her strips of negatives. This lets her see what she has and then she can decide which ones she wants nice scans of with the corrected vibrant colors
Rob brought in some old 8mm silent family home movies to be transferred to digital files on a flash drive. They look to be to be late 6os and early 70s. Check out this quick clip complete with babies, puppies, classic cars, hair rollers, pointy eye glasses, house dresses, and old fashioned edge trimming the yard all in 1 minute. Bring back any blasts from the past for you?
Gary brought in a record of an old German wedding march that we wanted transferred to a CD.
Debbie brought in her mom’s collection of photos after she had passed, had us scan in all of the photos and make a flash drive for each family member. All the photos were categorized into separate folders according to who was in the photo.
Elaine, shipped us her project from Virginia where she is staying in a hotel while her home is repaired from a drive through accident. We had to call her when the project was complete to see where to mail it back to her.
Cal brought in some World War II photos, including one photo of the signing of peace with japan and another of her dad in Japan with his Jeep. We scanned in pages of photos inside of photo albums and also loose photos that we scanned both the front and the back of the photo.
We made a slideshow for Tracy to show at her bridal shower. We scanned in photos of her and the groom growing up and then when they were together dating and finally showing the Post it that was used as part of his proposal.
Jodie brought in numerous audio cassettes that contained mostly interviews with older relatives and also so mix tapes from her youth.
John from Massachusetts sent us an audio reel to reel that he found in his parent’s home. He had no idea what it might contain but he would love to find out what treasures it might contain. It actually had a recording of the whistling song of “the bridge over the river kwai”….my favorite tune to whistle. Here is it.
Kathleen from Evergreen brought in some video tape footage of her father who competed for the Air Force Academy gymnastics team in the early 1960s. They wanted it made into digital to more easily share at her parent’s 6oth wedding anniversary celebration next month.
Ryan brought in his parents’ wedding photos to be scanned and color restored. They are so cute with beautiful smiles. What a treasure!
Janie brought in a record to be transferred to an mp3 file on a flash drive. The record belongs to her friend’s band but they don’t have a turntable to play it on. Our client snuck it out of her house to secretly have it transferred for her.
Michelle from South Carolina shipped us her video tapes to transfer to DVDs. Her family is getting ready to move and saw no need to pack and transport all the clunky old vhs tapes. We will ship the transfers to her in her new home.
Something good did come out of COVID. Our client, Ruth, reconnected with friends from high school and now they video chat each week with each other. They are more connected than they have been in years. She brought in 120 slides from when they were in high school together and got some photo prints to share.
Robin and her dad brought in three very damaged old oval photos for us to restore. They shared the expense of the project and made prints for everyone and her brother. All 3 photos measured 17.5” x 9.5”. We printed both full sized and 8×10 versions.